Entities included in consolidated financial statements
Our integrated reporting and corporate balance sheet cover 100% of the Orabank Group’s scope, including Oragroup SA (Holding), all banks (Orabank Benin, Orabank Gabon, Orabank Guinée, Orabank Mauritanie, Orabank Tchad, Orabank Togo) and Orabank Côte d’Ivoire with all branches (Orabank Burkina Faso, Orabank Côte d’Ivoire, Orabank Guinée Bissau, Orabank Mali, Orabank Niger and Orabank Senegal).
Indicators collection and calculation
Quantitative data are collected and consolidated by the departments in charge of the respective fields which ensure consistency checks. The calculation formulae used for the development of the indicators are defined by the responsible directorates. The consolidated results are transmitted to the Group Head of Communication which ensures the publication of the information for the reporting.
Content of the integrated reporting 2022
The structure of this digital report is based on the materiality of the issues.
To ensure the consistency and legibility of our approach, we continue the efforts undertaken and present the annual progress values over the last 6 years. Our current financial and extra-financial results attest to the foresight of our strategic vision and we see the results of improved performance bringing us even closer more of the expectations of our customers and partners.
Status of progress on objectives
Progress targets have been set in line with the qualitative targets set by the Group. These objectives are part of our 2021-2025 strategic plan.
We conducted a materiality study and stakeholder consultation to prioritize the most relevant issues.
We conducted a materiality study and stakeholder consultation to prioritize the most relevant issues.
Orabank has committed to publishing corporate social responsibility reporting in line with international standards. The Orabank Group is built on a process of communicating financial, economic, environmental, and social information to stakeholders.
The objective of this transparency is to present policies and governance, deployment plans, and performance measures. Our reporting is voluntary and progressive. Since 2016, we have been applying the GRI standards. Orabank stands behind the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Principles for Responsible Investment. We also respect the principles of the IRCI. Since Orabank Group’s IPO, reporting has now aligned with the expectations of the BRVM.
No significant changes from previous reporting periods in the list of relevant issues and issue scopes.
No major changes occurred during the period.
This report covers data for fiscal year 2022 (January 1 to December 31, 2022) and is published in June 2023.
We publish the reporting of the results of our CSR approach on an annual basis.
Since 2014, an annual activity report has been drawn up and since 2016, an integrated annual report has been published. Our previous report on 2021 data was released in June 2022. Since 2018, we have chosen a digital reporting format that allows us to update our information more quickly and regularly.
GRI Principles
Reporting principles are key to achieving quality sustainability reporting. Each reporting principle consists of a requirement and guidelines on how to apply the principle. To ensure a quality approach that meets GRI’s expectations on standards, the Orabank Group ensured that the tests indicated for each principle by MATERIALITY-Reporting, an expert in GRI standards, were implemented.
Localisation dans le rapport | |
Involvement of stakeholders
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Sustainable development context
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Accuracy | Contenu du rapport |
Balance | Indicateurs et objectifs |
Clarity | Reporting protocol
| Cadres de référence Reconnaissances |
Reliability | Vérification externe |
Regularity | Période et cycle de reporting |
The Orabank Group prepared its report in accordance with the GRI standards for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2022. Content is aligned with the principles and reporting requirements of the GRI:2021 standards.
Reporting principles are essential for achieving quality sustainability reporting (accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, completeness, sustainability context, frequency and reliability). Each reporting principle includes a requirement, as well as guidelines on how to apply the principle.
MATERIALITY-Reporting, ESG reporting audit agency and GRI standards expert, qualified by GRI since 2013, assessed the compliance of the Orabank Group’s GRI content index, as well as that of all the references indicated in the sustainability reporting statement. Content is aligned with the principles and reporting requirements of the GRI:2021 standards.