Our values

Our purpose: Growing together, and for Africa

Orabank is a committed and local actor, participating in the development of Africa through the financing of projects related to education, infrastructure, renewable energy, agro-industry, entrepreneurship.

We support our individual customers, companies, SME’s, institutions, traders, etc. by declining our values in our way of working and in our customer relationship:

This is not a slogan; it is a reality that each of us experiences every day to support our clients. It is by supporting the private sector that we, as a Banking Group, most effectively contribute to creating even more wealth and jobs. Financing Africa’s infrastructure programs for a more competitive Africa, and tapping local savings, is how a bank energizes our economies. This is our collective and shared ambition to create value and grow together and for Africa.

Our branding strategy and platform is built on 2 pillars:

I choose to share with all our employes the MILEDOU spirit which drove the integration of BRS into the Orabank family and which must continue to drive us. Beyond our differences, building a major bank at the serviceof the African economy through people, rapprochement and openness to others to do better  and bigger.


Our e-learning training on CSR

Since 2014, our Group has been committed to a CSR approach, the aim of which is to contribute to the sustainable development of our countries while ensuring our overall performance. Therefore Orabank offers its employees a training course dedicated to CSR. It allows us to gradually discover, understand and integrate CSR in a general way and more specifically, its implications for the employees’ professions in Orabank Group.

A company is made up of individuals, with different behaviors, adapted or not to the vision of the company. Behaviors change not through coercion, but through a 4-phase process: Information, Understanding, Accreditation and Adaptation of Behavior.

This training course has 4 objectives:

Through the various stages of this journey, employees have a fabulous opportunity to share brand values, and to open up opportunities for everyone to consider their role in the future of the company. Each employee is an Orabank ambassador.

In June 2023, in total, more than 1,700 learners completed their e-learning training pathways.

In addition to the CSR acculturation process, which also includes the integration of the subject into the professions, a survey ranks Orabankers according to their involvement in the deployment of the CSR strategy.

68% of Orabankers are very involved and 24% quite involved.