Branches with an environmental management system
Branches that manage their energy consumption
Customer portfolio teams trained in corporate social responsibility

The Orabank Group reduces the environmental impacts related to its activities and its consumption of materials and fluids in its agencies and strives to optimize its fuel consumption in relation to its business mobility.

Office General Manager

Environmental impacts

Reduce resource consumption

Orabank is committed to improving the Group’s environmental footprint and reducing its consumption of materials and fluids in its branches and in its mobility.

Orabank makes commitments to improve energy efficiency, sustainable management of natural resources, and environmental protection through an environmental management program progressively rolled out in subsidiaries and supported by operational measures.

Good practices of subsidiaries

Paper and materials
  • Two-sided printing management for printing and recycled paper;
  • Manageability system deployed in subsidiaries and holding company to optimize function  document printing (rental printers and efficient consumables management);
  • Paper savings by reusing drafts for certain internal prints;
  • Raising awareness about the use of e-mails instead of physical ones;
  • Implementation of dashboards to monitor consumption of paper and office supplies by department;
  • Production of posters to raise awareness about paper consumption and use;
  • Reduce fonts
  • Rigorous management of reams of paper by department.
  • Change office lamps to low-consumption LEDs in all agencies Display on best practices for energy reduction;
  • Monitoring of fuel consumption of the generator by agency;
  • Implementation of prepaid fuel cards and monitoring of fuel consumption by a logbook available in each vehicle of the bank;
  • Setting up motion detector for the triggering of lights
  • Automatic detection tool of equipment not switched off;
  • SMS alert or daily monitoring of offices by managers or security guards;
  • Fuel prepaid cards and consumption monitoring and tracking of vehicle logbook;
  • Optimization of shuttles in agencies  Optimization of journeys between agencies and headquarters Daily monitoring of offices by managers or security guards;
  • Turning off air conditioners and lights for short and long absences.
  • Poster on good practices in water consumption reduction;
  • Sparse use of water;
  • For coffee, boil only the necessary amount of water.
  • Sorting catering waste;
  • Recycling of plastic packaging.
  • Display of the ecogests poster in agencies;
  • Awareness in the form of oral communication;
  • Internal communication campaign for the rational use of electric energy (lamps and air-conditioning) and water;
  • Publishing a document to raise awareness among collaborators of the harmful effects of plastic use on the environment;
  • Department heads and directors are called upon to ensure compliance with these instructions.


Assessing greenhouse gas emissions

Since 2022, the Orabank Group has been progressively assessing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, excluding emissions from finance. This will enable the collection of data on energy and material consumption due to employee and customer transport over the coming years.

The first partial results allow the evaluation of:

These values are, however, only a first basis for calculation, the results of which should be used by way of illustration.

More accurate collection, as well as training of contributors, is envisaged in order to allow emission assessment according to a recognized collection methodology (Carbon Footprint) and a normative export format (ISO 14069 or GHG Footprint). This evolution will also allow the determination of emissions according to Scopes 1, 2, and 3.

As a reminder, Scope 1 emissions are the direct emissions from on-site power generation (heat and power). Scope 2 emissions correspond to emissions from off-site energy production and transport. Scope 3 emissions refer to the emissions from the organization’s activities, upstream and downstream. 

Reducing CO2 emissions

The Orabank Group is committed to reducing its CO2 emissions by developing a sustainable mobility policy based on digital alternatives to travel and a policy to replace cars, etc. But the Orabank Group also has an important impact in supporting financing projects for green growth and the energy and low-carbon transition.