Performance and Career Review
Success rate for banking diploma courses
Wage bill for training


Career Management

Aware of the challenges faced by banks in an increasingly competitive environment and subject to various risks, the Orabank Group places particular emphasis on the development and strengthening of its human capital. Thanks to the implementation of the training measures initiated by the holding company and its subsidiaries, 1,534 employees had been trained (off-digital campus) compared to 1,003 in 2021, i.e. an average rate of 61% of trained employees compared to 44% in 2021.

Orabank is committed to developing the employability of employees through a continuous process of skills acquisition. The total amount of training expenditure in 2022 (including expenditure related to the digital campus) is 1,229,019,277 CFA francs compared with 964,597,555 CFA francs in 2021, i.e. a consumption rate of the 2022 training budget of 77.37% CFA francs compared with 79.77% in 2021.

The 2022 training budget is CFAF 1,588,475,073, compared to CFA francs 1,209,173,535 in 2021, an increase of 31.37%. For the year 2022, the training budget represented 3.51% of the payroll for a target set by the Group at 5%. As for training expenditure, it represented 2.72% of the overall payroll as of 31/12/2022 compared with 2.58% in 2021.

Training expenses include not only training initiated and deployed by the Group on all or part of the entities but also training directly managed by each entity for its staff. The selected training programs must meet individual and collective needs while remaining linked to the Group’s strategy and client expectations. The Group is committed to reviewing training plans, streamlining associated budgets, and aligning its development strategy with implementation needs.

Diploma courses are made accessible to all staff in the subsidiaries. Most of the needs covered correspond to operational or technical training, but they are increasingly evolving into cross-cutting areas: management and leadership, risk management and culture, regulatory, legal and governance and CSR-related developments or in relation to personal development.

Training programs

Development programs and strategic partnerships

Talent Programs

In 2018, the new format of the Talent program was launched to develop and maintain a strong pool of competent senior managers able to access DG & DGA branch/subsidiary positions and functional positions at the Holding Company in the short or medium term. 11 people from 9 subsidiaries of the group have joined this program.

A “Young Managers Development Program” was also designed in 2020 to support young managers in the transition from their role as technicians to their new role as team supervisors. This program was attended by 18 young managers from the different entities of the Group. This important program is now part of the Group’s Talent Programs. The “Young Managers” program is aimed at the N-1 members of the COMEX. It includes several phases, namely: an immersion phase at the holding company, a series of training sessions with an external contractor, and a mentoring phase. For 2021, the first two phases have been implemented.

The last phase was implemented in 2022.

Graduate programs and work placement policy

The Orabank Group has set up a program for Grandes Ecoles (partnerships with the African Center for Higher Studies in Management, the Catholic University of Central Africa, and the African Business Club, among others). This program aims to improve the employability of high-potential young graduates while creating a pool of young talent to meet the human capital needs of the subsidiaries. These partnerships are reflected, among other things, in school actions.

The school’s actions consist in organizing an event in partnership with a reference school in order to raise awareness of the group, its products, and services, to raise awareness among students and recent graduates of the bank’s professions and the group’s human resources needs, and to present the group’s system for promoting the professional integration of young graduates. It was in this context that the Group sponsored in 2019, the Career Day of the Master Bank Finance of CESAG. The planned 2020 school action with the Catholic University of Central Africa was eventually postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 health crisis.

Also in the context of implementing partnerships with these schools, the Group has put in place a specific policy of professional internships, in order to welcome for internships the best students from partner schools within its entities. After 2020, when there was a significant decrease in the number of trainees due to the Covid-19 crisis, the Group entities hired a total of 979 trainees in 2022, compared to 989 in 2021, a decrease of 1.01%. The number of trainees fell to 750 in 2020 from 1,073 in 2019.

On 17 May 2022, Orabank Guinea and Kofi Annan University of Guinea signed a partnership agreement between the two institutions. Through the signing of this agreement, Orabank offers students of Kofi Annan University of Guinea the opportunity to acquire experience and professional expertise by completing their internship or their alternation within the bank.

Excellence was in the spotlight on Friday, February 11, 2022, when the University of Lomé awarded prizes to its best students in the 2018-2021 undergraduate program. As a true partner of the project, the Bank awarded the 38 winners checks between 200,000 CFA francs and 500,000 CFA francs depending on their ranks. In addition, internship agreements have been obtained for students in Banking fields.

As part of a process of culture and reward of effort, this ceremony was an opportunity for Orabank Togo to significantly demonstrate its support for development and its involvement in education.

Digital campus (digital-learning) project

In July 2019, the Group deployed its digital campus, an online platform accessible to all Group staff,  more than 30 training modules and educational content, including:

Regarding the digital campus, we had, as of 31/12/2022, a cumulative connection rate (Connected Learners at least once / Total number of learners enrolled) of 92.27% compared to 88.76% in 2021; and a transformation rate (Active Learners / Connected Learners) of 98.14% compared to 96.37% in 2021. Remember that the objective set by the Group is a connection rate of 90% and a conversion rate of 100%.

Digital campus spending was 78,387,000 CFA francs in 2022 compared to 78,392,000 CFA francs in 2021.

This digital campus also offers a wide range of general educational content on leadership, time management, performance management, goal setting, team motivation, etc. This digital campus is a powerful tool that aims to empower each employee in developing and strengthening their capacities.

To improve the use of the digital campus and its contribution to staff development, a marketing and communication plan to promote available content was designed in 2021 and its deployment was completed in 2022.

Other training programs

In parallel with the digital campus in place since July 2019 with various training modules and educational content, the Group entities have, during 2022, implemented and implemented training plans taking into account their specific needs.

For training outside the digital campus, in 2022, we had a total of 1,534 trained employees, compared with 1,003 in 2021, or an average rate of 61% of the total workforce trained, compared with 44% in 2021.

With regard to the training deployed by the holding company on all or part of the staff of the entities, we can quote:

  1. LAB/FT compliance and anti-corruption training: for all holding company staff, COMEX members, and Directors of all Group entities;
  2. Training on “International Debt Recovery” for Debt Collectors;
  3. Excel training applied to the collection indicator calculation and tracking tools, for Collections Managers
  4. Training on “Market Risk Management (ALM Risk)” for Market Risk Managers;
  5. “Brand content” training, for Group Communication Managers/Directors;
  6. The annual training for the Group’s Legal Officers/Directors on the topics“Digital Transformation and Legal Risk Management Challenges – Legal and Regulatory Framework for the Governance of Credit Institutions – Eligible collateral and impact on own funds consumption in the new prudential framework”.


Performance and Career Review

Alongside the human capital development framework, the Orabank Group is committed to progressively establishing a modern performance management system, a system that ensures that everyone is fairly assessed and compensated for their contribution. The performance management system should also contribute to the identification of capacity building needs and career management.

That is why the Group has set up calibration sessions and Career Committees, which are held following annual evaluations in order to collect recommendations from manager relating to employees’ aspirations which are taken into account in the proposals for development and promotion within entities or   across the Group.

Instead of individual career plans, the Group has made the option of giving everyone the chance to be the main player in their career development. Thus, with the job mapping resulting from the job rating (weighing), carried out in 2016 and regularly updated, each employee has a visibility on the possible changes (positions above his current position) in his field and in others. Through specific training programs, the digital campus, Talent programs, internal recruitment and mobility, the Group provides every employee with the necessary tools to develop and access the desired positions over the years.